Interactive Marketing Interns

Interactive Marketing Interns

Paid positions and internships for course credit will both be considered.
Please click here to submit your resumes via email. Be sure to clearly indicate the exact position for which you wish to be considered.
Note: We are only seeking applicants who are prepared to work on site at our Chapel Hill office.

Job description:

  • Seeking university students and recent graduates majoring in journalism and/or marketing or similar areas of study to work as interactive marketing interns.
  • Responsibilities may include: content editing; content creation (press releases, blog posts, articles, copy); supervised social media account management; supervised account management for newsletter clients.
  • Strong performers have the opportunity for assuming additional responsibilities, advancement within the organization and a permanent, post-graduate position.


Qualifications and Skills:

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills. Ability to communicate in a professional manner with clients is essential.
  • Strong writing and editing abilities are prerequisites for employment. Understanding of SEO and keywords related to content writing is a plus.
  • Knowledgeable about social media, social media communities, sites and applications, especially Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Understanding of business marketing applications of social media.
  • Ability to manage time and balance multiple tasks and projects.
  • Strong work ethic, self-motivation, positive attitude and willingness to learn are qualities the successful applicant must possess.
  • Sense of humor and the ability to remain unruffled under pressure are a plus.