
E! is television’s top destination for all things entertainment and celebrity. E! is currently available to 98 million cable and satellite subscribers in the U.S. and the E! Everywhere initiative underscores the company’s dedication to making E! content available on all new media platforms any time and anywhere from online to broadband video to wireless to radio to VOD.
Purpose: To expose college student to hands on work experience in their field of interest.
·         Research stories, galleries or other editorial projects
·         Write weekly Top 9 lists for E! Online, or similar weekly feature posts
·         Update Twitter and Facebook pages, engage in ongoing social media projects
·         Write blog posts for E! Online
·         Pitch and write photo galleries for E! Online
·         Attend editorial meetings
·         Update various galleries and celebrity fact sheets
·         Experience and interest in print and online media, writing samples, intense familiarity with social media: Twitter, Facebook, etc.
·         Exceptional interpersonal, communication, writing and organizational skills required.
·         Strong computer skills including proficiency in MS Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point.
·         Must be pro-active, detailed oriented, and possess good follow-through while adhering to deadlines.
·         Must be able to multi-task and prioritize tasks sufficiently while working independently.
·         Strong interest in the entertainment industry preferred.
·         Strong organizational skills are preferred.
·         Candidate must be reliable and have good time management skills.
·         Must be enrolled in an accredited college and be receiving academic credit.
·         Internships require a commitment of at least 16 hours per week for a minimum of 12 weeks.