The NIL Store powered by Campus Ink is seeking an energetic student on the campus of ECU with a passion for sports to serve as a social media & creative ambassador for the ECU NIL Store.

The motivated individual will join a network of like-minded students across the country who possess strong social media skills, creative intuition and a pulse for the athletics environment on their schools’ campus.

The NIL Store creates custom and co-licensed merchandise for athletes all across the country. ECU NIL Store social accounts will serve as a platform for new merchandise drops and content for ECU athletes and should be modeled after accounts like Purdue and Illinois.

The student will be charged with managing social media accounts which will curate engaging ECU athletics content to support its athletes and sports teams on campus, while driving customer purchasing tactics and merchandise sales to the official store.

The student is expected to have a strong grasp on Instagram and Twitter in order to maximize their ability to create engaging content which includes photographs, graphics and reels. There is also an expectation of having a strong knowledge of the past & present ECU sports landscape.

As ambassador on campus, the student will serve as the NIL Store’s eyes and ears on campus. The role is critical in making the NIL Store team aware of potential merchandise opportunities, upcoming events and other things occurring on campus.

We firmly believe our social accounts should serve as a positive community for ECU fans first, and a store second.

Responsibilities to be successfully fulfilled include:

  • Maintain school store social accounts, utilizing Instagram and Twitter to impact sports on campus, drive fan engagement, and achieve organizational goals
  • Deeply passionate about school sports with an understanding of current events and past history
  • Celebrate specific athletes who are signed with the school’s NIL Store
  • Brainstorm, create, and publish content to social media channels, website and other platforms
  • Write attention-grabbing copy for social media that intrigues and entertains users while maintaining a consistent voice
  • Stay up to date on social media trends and emerging platforms, and closely monitor school athletics’ successes and triumphs
  • Availability for regular zoom calls with fellow campus social media interns to compare notes/learn/get better

Compensation is $220/mo. Estimated time commitment is about 5 hours/week, understanding social media is extremely fluid.

Interested applicants should email Taylor Huizenga (