Sportadore Competition


Comet Technologies is pleased to announce the Fall 2011 Sportadore Sports Writing Student Competition to challenge journalism and broadcast students, working individually, to explore a variety of approaches to writing sports in the ever-changing world of internet delivered content.


The Fall 2011 Web Sports Writing Student Competition will offer journalism and broadcast students a web outlet for distributing their own sports related stories. The student authors’ sports content can be judged by relevant terms of success in the current world of web news reporting. The winner of the competition will be the student who garners the largest cumulative number of unique impressions for their story on the Sportadore website.


The dynamics of sports journalism continues to change as the internet makes greater in-roads as the medium of choice for distribution of sports articles, videos, and images. Print, TV and radio media are morphing into multimedia distribution services with the web becoming an ever increasing proportion of their distribution. The purpose of the competition is to introduce the student to web based sports distribution, as well as into the measurable definitions of success on the web.


Sportadore will keep track of the number of unique impressions each student’s sports stories generate on the Sportadore website. The student may write an unlimited number of sports stories. The cumulative number of all impressions for all the individual student’s stories will be the criteria through which the competition winner is judged. A student with a single, popular story may have more unique impressions than a student who generates multiple stories of lesser quality. An important part of the decision making process by the student is to determine the combination of quality and quantity that provides the maximum number of unique web impressions.


Comet Technologies and its sister company Multimo, owners and managers of Sportadore ( are the competition sponsor and administrator.
Comet Technologies is a software and internet service development company that is best known as the first provider of live video from a cell phone to TV-air.
Sportadore takes a leading role in the sports news distribution revolution by offering a website that includes all relevant social network generated sports messages at a single venue, provided in an easy to access fashion based on various user preferences. The Sportadore sports writing feature allows individuals the opportunity to write stories with greater depth than is possible from a typical social network message, provides an outlet for the individual to distribute stories to a web audience, and provides the sports writer with a profile page so that individual may generate his or her own following. www.sportadore.comis free to all users and participants. Sportadore is a service of Comet Technologies.


Students entering the competition must be enrolled in good standing at a University, College or recognized School of Broadcasting. The winning entrant will be asked to provide evidence of this enrollment.


Click here to register.


August 15, 2011 12:01 am through
October 31, 2011 11:59 pm
Registration on Sportadore Website. (Click here)
September 8, 2011 12:01 am Count of Unique Impressions Begins
October 31, 2011 11:59 pm Count of Unique Impressions Ends
November 15, 2011 Winner is notified
November 30, 2011 Award is distributed



One winning award will be provided to the student with the most cumulative unique impressions as counted by Sportadore.
The winning student will receive an iPad2 courtesy of
The winning student will be announced and highlighted on the Sportadore website and will receive publicity through Sportadore’s distribution of news releases.
The student’s name and image will be posted on the Sportadore website
The winning student will have the opportunity to promote the award through their various own forms of communication and on any of their current resumes or credential papers