Food Production Opportunity: Ayden

cable food series special that is shooting a segment in Ayden on Sunday, October 9th. I have three student intern positions available for the shoot and was wondering if any of your students would be interested in working with us.
Our shoot begins around 10 – 11AM and runs for 10 hours, looking for people who will be available all day. Tasks vary depending on the shoot location, but we always need help with gathering appearance releases, organizing shoot tapes, helping with gear set and wrap, and … gathering of even more appearance releases 🙂 These are not going to be overly technical positions, but it’s a good one day primer for students who are looking to get into production and would like to be on location for a day, ask questions to our director and crew, and see everything that goes into shooting a segment of a popular TV show.
The positions are unpaid, but our crew will take care of lunch and any parking expenses. If applicable, I am also happy to sign for any class credit.
I would love to chat with any interested students in more depth about the day. If anyone would like to apply to work with us, please have them e-mail me with their resume and confirm that they can be available on 10/9 during shoot hours.
Contact: Andria @