Toonari Post

Breaking News, Sports, entertainment, and the environment, what peaks your interest? Movie screens, interviews the latest hot topic politician? As an intern you will work directly with the Editorial team of Toonari News and Media to do what you do best – write!
We would like to have you write articles for Toonari Post. We need a little bit of everything to help spread knowledge cultivate your strengths and promote your creative voice. Come on! Give us a little vibe, or a different cultural/global perspective. Be creative, while advising and educating your readers, if you teach, get your students to write articles on a specific subject to be published as a project.
You also might be interested in doing pieces on cinema, art, culture, anything and everything you know.
Do you have a voice that needs to be heard? A subject matter that’s digging away at you that nobody else seems to want to talk about? Become an intern and write Toonari Post .Research, conceptualize topics you’re passionate about- the environment, human rights, animal rights, breaking news, sports, entertainment. Are you creative, do you have a good eye for detail? If you can work independently and be open to constructive criticism –we need you! As an intern you will gain valuable knowledge about website usability and how to develop content to meet the demands of end-users.
Residents and Citizens from all countries and Regions are welcome to apply
This positions is virtual