Recirculating Farms – Grassroots Public Relations

Public Relations, Grassroot Organizing and Ad
Recirculating Farms Coalition – Washington, DC
See original job posting at »
The Recirculating Farms Coalition is a national non-profit organization that supports building eco-friendly farms that use clean, recycled water to grow fresh, local, accessible food and create stable green jobs. Our organization just moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. This internship need not be inNew Orleans as long as the intern is experienced and comfortable with virtual communications.

We are seeking two interns for Spring 2012 to help us connect with local communities and start a dialogue about recirculating farms. Interns will benefit from working with experienced staff, and will develop critical grassroots organizing and advocacy skills.

Responsibilities may include: building strategic coalitions with fishermen, farmers, religious groups, elected officials, citizen activists, businesses and students, among others; coordinating campaign events to engage citizens and pressure targets; recruiting new activists at community meetings, festivals, and other events; assisting in media outreach; producing printed and online materials such as action alerts, newsletters, and activist guides; and more.

Requirements include a strong interest in agriculture, food, and health issues and commitment to environmental protection and social change; strong verbal and written communication and time management skills; desire to develop organizing skills; completed at least two years of undergraduate education.

Of course we welcome post grads and anyone interested in supporting the Coalition.

All of our internships are volunteer and unpaid, but we are happy to help you arrange to receive school credit, fellowships, work-study or any other form of compensation available through your school or other institution.