Dow Jones: WSJ, MarketWatch, and Dow Jones Newswires – Many opportunities available

Dow Jones Internships at: the Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, and Dow Jones Newswires.

Many internships are in New York, but we also have internships in our US bureaus, such as Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles and Washington DC, and in our international bureaus, such as Beijing, Tokyo, Moscow and London.  It helps, in your application, to indicate if you have a strong preference for a particular bureau. Each year we decide where to place interns, based on a variety of factors. We do not have an intern in every single bureau, every year.

The WSJ Europe and WSJ Asia editions, which are based in London and Hong Kong respectively, each hire an intern each year and accept applications separately. The main US-based internship program also places interns in non-US bureaus, typically Beijing and Tokyo. You can simultaneously apply to WSJE, WSJA and to the main US program.

Internships are available for: reporters, multimedia producers, videographers, graphic artists, art directors and photo editors. Wall Street Journal also usually takes an intern. When you apply, you should make clear which of these categories you fall into, or if you are applying to more than one. We cannot guarantee that each department will have an intern every year.

Internships last for ten weeks, and interns earn $700 a week (benefits not included).

Things that will increase your chances of interning with us (in no particular order):

1)   Be willing to intern outside New York.

2)   Speak and write Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, Korean, or Arabic.

3)   Have some qualifications, aptitude or interest in financial and business journalism. The demand for financial journalists is generally greater than the supply.

4)   Write a short cover letter, and a short, clear resume. It is preferable to highlight a couple of of achievements rather than list the duties of every single internship or summer job you have had.

5)   Prove that you have broken stories, or written high-impact stories.

6)   Show leadership or entrepreneurship (setting up a successful website;  being editor-in-chief of your college newspaper)

7)   Have some international experience, whether journalism or work experience.

8)   Have already interned at other high-quality media organizations, which recommend you.

9)   Have experience in daily news or a deadline-driven environment.

The standard internship is over summer and begins in the first week of June. However, once you have been accepted and placed, you can do it at a different time, if your manager or bureau chief agrees.

Deadline to apply: November 1. Please ensure that your application is posted to arrive before November 1.

You should include journalism clips in your application. College essays, creative writing and corporate reports are not really relevant to the internship. Only if you do not have any clips, or have very few, should you attach another writing sample.

Please submit your application by hard copy. We aim to let applicants know whether they are selected by early December.