Pulse-Chapel Hill

Pulse Health & Wellness Initiatives, a health-focused marketing firm in Chapel Hill with large national clients, is seeking interns for the 2012 spring semester who are eager to gain valuable experience in the world of brand marketing.

Duties will include but are not limited to:

  • Assisting account executives on client projects, including project management, research, and traffic tasks
  • Working on internal PULSE projects, including business development efforts and healthcare professional recruiting

Required skills include excellent verbal and written communications skills, a working knowledge of Mac OS and Microsoft Office applications, and the ability to work autonomously. Additional relevant skills (copy editing, research, graphic design) are certainly a plus.

Please contact Brian Meares for more information at 1-866-PULSEHW, ext. 713 or email resumes with a cover note to brianm@pulsehw.com.

Opportunities limited to upperclassmen in business, journalism or related majors. May ’13 graduates preferred. Days and hours flexible. Class credit offered where applicable.