BOOK PUBLISHING OPPORTUNITIES – University of Georgia Press, Athens

University of Georgia Press
The acquisitions department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for summer 2013 and the fall 2013 semester. Interns work 8-10 hours per week and are unpaid. Interns will have the opportunity to learn the basics of scholarly book publishing as they provide ongoing support for proposed book projects moving through the review process. Interns are also encouraged to attend in-house meetings with staff. Candidates must be capable of writing clear, professional correspondence and of juggling and prioritizing multiple assignments.

Tasks will vary, but may include such things as the following:

–drafting and sending letters to prospective authors, reviewers, and blurbers

–preparing and shipping manuscripts to reviewers

–maintaining project information in the Press database

–helping with image and permissions inventories
–preparing manuscripts and accompanying materials for transmittal to editorial
–drafting and sending decline letters

–completing small research assignments

To apply, send résumé and cover letter by March 15 to Sydney DuPre (