NEWS INTERN Atlanta Magazine, Atlanta GA

Atlanta magazine has an opening for a highly competitive writing and reporting internship. This internship, an exceptional portfolio-building opportunity, is open to college juniors and seniors only. In addition, the student must receive credit for the internship (no exceptions).

The news intern will (Summer 2013):

·      Write and report stories for the magazine’s print Agenda front-of-book section

·      Write and report posts for the Daily Agenda blog

·      Update the Agenda arts and entertainment calendar, both print and online

·      Assist with research and writing for the annual Atlanta Magazine Groundbreakers feature

·      Assist with production of the digital multimedia package for the Groundbreakers feature

·      Take part in editorial planning meetings

The successful candidate will be intellectually curious, self-directed, and have:

·      Publishing experience — student media and/or a previous internship

·      The ability to write clear, pithy, and accurate prose

·      Strong reporting and research skills

·      The ability to generate story ideas and a good sense of news value

·      A proven ability to meet deadlines

·      Knowledge of how to use a stylebook (we use Chicago)

·      Basic photography skills (video/audio production experience is a plus, but not required)
This internship requires a minimum time commitment of 12-15 hours per week. Our editorial meetings are usually held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so availability on those days is a plus, but not required. This is an unpaid internship (we provide a modest parking/MARTA stipend). Access to a car for reporting is a plus, but not required; most reporting assignments will be within walking distance — or one or two MARTA stops — from our downtown Atlanta office.

To apply, please email:

·      A cover letter

·      A resume

·      Two letters of recommendation

·      PDFs of three published writing samples (no personal blog posts; no class assignments; no links)

To:  Rebecca Burns, Deputy Editor
For Summer 2013: April 8, 2013  (a decision will be made by April 22)

We will also take early applications for Fall 2013. The Agenda (print and online) assignments will be the same, but the intern will work on a different feature project.

For Fall 2013: July 1, 2013    (a decision will be made by July 15)