Newsroom Intern CBS Radio – New York, NY

Newsroom Intern
CBS Radio – New York, NY

1010 WINS seeks highly motivated individuals who have an interest in broadcast journalism. You will spend your time in the number one news station in the nation and on the streets of the most competitive market in the industry. You will be treated as a full member of the news team, and as such, will be in on the decision-making (your opinion really does matter), will be challenged on questions of ethics, story content, story placement, and story selection. You will research, write, produce, and edit. You will learn everything there is to know about the online arm of the business (an absolute necessity these days when entering the job market), and you will shadow reporters out in the field… learning interviewing skills, sound byte selection, lead writing, etc.

Students please submit your resume, letter of credit from your school and essay.

The 1010 WINS internship program is done in the day time. While we will always try to work with your schedule, evening hours would not allow you to get the quality experience we want you to have.

Required Skills/Experience
Eligibility Requirements

Ø You must currently be attending an accredited college and entering or in your junior or senior years.

Ø Eligible majors: Journalism, Broadcasting and Communications.

Ø This is an unpaid internship, therefore, WINS must receive written confirmation from your college stating that you are receiving course credit. We also need to know how many hours your college requires you to put in for the semester.

Ø You must submit a one-page essay on why you want to work in Broadcast Journalism.
CBS Radio – 2 days