X Urban Music Magazine seeking interns X Urban Music Magazine – Columbus, OH

X Urban Music Magazine seeking interns
X Urban Music Magazine – Columbus, OH

X Urban Music Magazine- Music and entertainment could be described as the unifying voice that exceeds racial, cultural and generation barriers. Thus bringing people together who have this common appreciation is the goal of X Urban Music Magazine.

It is with passion and dedication we labor to Xpose and inform our readers on current national and international hits and hit makers in the urban music industry. X Urban Music Mag online and print will keep you informed on upcoming concerts, concert reviews, whose hot and what’s hot in the music industry. Each day we are building to expand our audience through content that include a diverse mix of music genres.

We offer internship opportunities in a variety of fields: Photography, social media, writers/journalists, graphic design, web design, interviewers, editors, advertising sales, video, street promotions and Marketing.

Please submit resume (along with cover letter). Please also submit examples of work. Emails without samples will not be considered. (Please be in college or a recent college grad)

  • Location: Columbus/ Detroit, Mi
  • Compensation: Stipend
  • This is an internship job

This is a Part-time internship offered for a term of Flexible