Susan G. Komen Communication Internships

Internship Opportunities

Susan G. Komen for the Cure was founded on a promise made between two sisters – Susan G. Komen and Nancy Brinker. Suzy was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1978, when it was rarely discussed in public and little was known about the disease. Before she died at the age of 36, Suzy asked her sister to do everything possible to bring an end to breast cancer. Nancy kept her promise by establishing Susan G. Komen for the Cure in 1982 in Suzy’s memory.
Twenty-five years later, Susan G. Komen for the Cure is a global leader in the fight against breast cancer through its support of innovative research and community-based outreach programs. Working through a network of U.S. and international Affiliates and events like the Komen Race for the Cure®, Komen for the Cure is fighting to eradicate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease by funding research grants andsupporting education, screening and treatment projects in communities around the world.
Today, we celebrate the power of a promise and how a single person’s vision can make a difference in the lives of millions.
We encourage you to submit your resume for internship consideration even if an opening is not listed. 

About Komen Internships

Komen internships are unpaid learning opportunities available within several departments at Komen headquarters in Dallas, Texas and at our Washington, DC office.
Note: To be eligible for consideration, you must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree during the semester you wish to participate in the internship.
To intern with an Affiliate near you, please contact the Affiliate directly.
Below are possible internship opportunities that could become available in the following locations and departments:
Dallas, Texas Headquarters:
• Audit/Risk Management
• Development (Donor Services, Fundraising Events, Major Gifts)
• Finance (Accounting)
• Global Partnerships (Corporate Relations, Marathon, Direct Marketing, Passionately Pink for the Cure, New Business Development, Circle of Promise, Multicultural Marketing)
• Health Sciences (Community Health, Health Education, Research, Grants)
• Legal (Research, Contracts Administration)
• Marketing Communications (Events, Brand Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Online Marketing)
• Public Policy (Legislation Research)
Washington, DC Office:
• Office of the Founder
• International (Events, Global Strategies, International Affiliates)
• Public Policy (Hill Briefings/Hearings, Legislation, Congressional Liason)
• Global Development (Fundraising Events, Major Gifts, Donor Relations)
• Communications (Media Relations, Bookings, Press)