Uptown Greenville- Summer 2017, For Credit or Experience
Uptown Greenville is in need of interns for the Summer.
The qualified candidates must be willing to work under general supervision with moderate latitude for the use of initiative and independent judgment. The candidate must have superior attention to detail.
The qualified candidate should possess the ability to learn new information quickly.
This is an unpaid internship which may be done for credit through ECU.
Interested students should submit a letter of intent and resume to info@uptowngreenville.com. To learn more about Uptown Greenville visit www.uptowngreenville.com
RNC Internships- Summer 2017-Paid-For Credit
Posted on January 5, 2017 by tuckermclaughlinm
The Republican National Committee is seeking interns to work at the national headquarters in Washington, DC this summer. The program runs May 31 – August 4, 2017 with full time positions available in all our departments. Interns will receive a stipend for their time. Qualified applicants should submit a resume, two letters of recommendation and a completed RNC Internship application to internships@gop.com. More information can be found on our website at http://www.gop.com/internships. Applications for the summer are due Friday, February 10, 2017. Please contact the intern coordinator at (202)863-8630 if you have any questions.
Video Production- Ignite Church- For credit–Spring 2017
Posted on January 10, 2017 by tuckermclaughlinm
Ignite Church Productions seeks a communication intern for the Spring Semester of 2017. The internship would include hands on training and execution of live video switching, broadcasting, videography, graphic design, producing and directing in a live and post production setting. The intern on a daily basis would experience anything from flying video drones to setting up broadcast Facebook media. Not only can this internship be for credit, but much of the content created would develop a great work portfolio. Experience and passion for video editing or production is wanted, but we are willing to train in every area.
Send reels and resume to Chris Lineberger at pastorchrisignite@gmail.com.
Director’s Internship- For Credit- Spring 2017
Posted on January 4, 2017 by tuckermclaughlinm
Dr. Linda Kean, Director of the School of Communication seeks a comm student interested in shooting and editing a video regarding Honors College Internships. This candidate may also participate in event planning for a university-wide “Media Literacy” workshop.
Preferred candidates will be self-starters with videography and editing skills. This may also be done as an independent study for 3 hours of credit if the appropriate candidate has already taken COMM 4091 and COMM 4092.
Email resume and reel to Dr. Linda Kean at keanl@ecu.edu
Health Education Teaching Internship opportunity-For Credit
Fall: Traveling to counties outside Pitt (travel times vary from 1-2 hours each way) to teachYouth Health Service Corps (YHSC) modules to high school students.
Assist with planning and executing fall leadership conference held at ECU each November. Leadership conference is always the Monday before Thanksgiving.
Connect YHSC students via Social Media.
Spring: Follow-up with YHSC students and their service learning projects. (some travel required)
Help them plan service learning projects in their communities, take pictures, do media releases to draw attention to the projects/outreach the students do
Maintain YHSC social media channels
***This opportunity is for credit ***
If interested, please contact Dawn Morriston, Director of Student Services, Public Health & Special Projects at (252)744-5214