Spring 2015 Internship for Smiles and Frowns Children’s Theater

Smiles And Frowns, an Eastern North Carolina children’s theater needs a suitable volunteer that will be available for 5-10 hours weekly and the length of the project would be 6 to 12 months. The project will be broken into 3 phases. *Volunteer will receive internship credit*

Analyze current position.

We have a web site based on a powerful, but difficult to manage platform (Drupal); a twitter account, and facebook page. I have minimally integrated these with various plugins. I would like a volunteer to look at what we’re currently doing and see if there are any low hanging fruits we can tackle in the near term.

Design a new strategy.

After learning our current technologies, I would like to see a more streamlined and integrated solution for communicating with actors, parents, potential actors, and the public. We 3 basic communications. First, we need to announce auditions. Second, during a production we need to be able to communicate to the cast and parents. Third, we need to publicize the performance. These all have different targets and different technologies. This phase should result in a 10-30 page strategic planning document. I will work with the volunteer to make this document professional and be something that you could show off in a job interview.


After the document is produced in the second step, the volunteer would be expected to execute that strategy. This could entail a lot or a little depending on the design results from phase 2. Upon completion, the volunteer would have some real world demonstrable experience along with a glowing reference.

If you are interested in this opportunity please email resume to zach.woodmansee@gmail.com