Summer 2016 Live. Learn. Intern Program in Washington, DC

We are now accepting applications for our Summer 2016 LIVE. LEARN. INTERN. Programs in Washington, DC. Each program includes:
· Undergraduate academic credit
· Guaranteed internship placement
· Fully furnished housing in the heart of Washington, DC

New Program
We are excited to announce a new program for this summer – Leadership and the American Presidency. This program will further develop students’ leadership skills by focusing on lessons and interactive simulations from the American Presidency. More information may be found at

Please share the announcement below with any undergraduate students who may be interested in spending their summer in Washington.

Nominate a Top Student Today
Please also consider nominating top students for special scholarship consideration. We award close to a million dollars annually and preference is given to nominated students. You may nominate by visiting

More information on our programs may be found at
Please contact Mallie Woodfin with any questions at or 202.986.0384.