Altarum Institute is Hiring!

Altarum Institute is a nonprofit health systems research and consulting organization. Altarum integrates independent research and client-centered consulting to create comprehensive, systems-based solutions that improve health.

With the rigor of the finest research institution, consulting skills honed for nearly seven decades, and an abiding commitment to the public interest, Altarum Institute enables better care and better health for all people.

Looking for Strategic Communications and Digital Services positions such as:
– Campaign Development and Implementation
– Foreign Language Translation Services
– Materials and Publications
– Media Planning and Monitoring
– Multimedia and Video Production
– Plain Language and Low-Literacy Writing
– Science Writing
– Social Media
– Usability Testing and Audience Research
– Webinars
– Website Content Design and Development

If interested please contact Myra Mathis, Senior Recruiter at or Matt Keeney, Senior Recruiter at

See for more details