UNC/NC Chamber Internship

Working with Chamber staff, plus several of your counterparts and UNCGA IT folks, I have created a position submission (info collection) form for businesses to use for posting of their new /additional summer 2016 internship openings for this special initiative. It is based on a combination of Symplicity and CSO internship/job posting forms for employer use. Go to https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form?EQBCT=3bd83de1595647d78180b3fe43f9ea40

The goal is [at least] 100 such opportunities from NC (and their sister local) Chamber members. This could average out to about 6 per campus for this pilot effort if evenly distributed. Chamber members will be provided a url for the special submittal form.

Once a company submits an internship opening –using the attached format, it will go to a ‘smartsheet’ (online spreadsheet; see at https://app.smartsheet.com/b/home?lx=784G7v8BvNnY13814k4xvw ) and you will all receive an email announcing such a posting. You will then be able to access the new listing to share with your recruited students. We may have to do some vetting for quality, etc. – on both the student and employer/assignment side.

Employers will also be able to attach actual internship job descriptions, and provide info about application procedures and links to their own job posting/application web pages.