Parents For Public Schools of Pitt County-Fall 2018- For Credit

Communications Internship with Parents For Public Schools of Pitt County


Hours Per Week: 10-12 hours (140 semester hours)pitt public
Location: Work can be done remotely or in the office. Office hours can be scheduled with Executive Director. A weekly face to face meeting with Executive Director is expected. Other meetings may occur on the phone or in person with various board or staff members, depending on the project.
1. Social Media:
a. Maintain the organizations social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn).
b. Provide a monthly dashboard report showcasing social media usage and growth.
c. Suggest appropriate materials and pictures to share on social media.
d. Research and share findings about best practices involved when using social media (best times to post, how often to post, best avenue, etc.).

2. Newsletter:
a. Provide input and assistance towards creating each issue of the monthly newsletter distrusted to a 3000 + membership.

3. Flyers/Other Communication:
a. Review flyers and other communications that will be shared with the community in various ways.
b. Edit flyers for content and provide expertise in designing them in a way that makes them most useful and visually appealing.
c. Create flyers and communication documents as the need arises.

4. Events:
a. Serve as the main table host, often with a board or staff member, at local events publicizing Parents for Public Schools of Pitt County.
b. Research opportunities for Parents for Public Schools of Pitt County to have a space to advertise our mission and recruit members at events in the community. Make contact with the appropriate person for each event, and complete application or reservation materials when needed (after ED approval).
c. Assist with the set up for events that PPS-PC is sponsoring or co-sponsoring.


5. Other:
a. Become familiar with as many components of the agency as possible by completing the following activities:
i. Attend a PPS-PC board meeting.
ii. Attend a Pitt County School board meeting.
iii. Attend and/or assist at a PPS-PC community conversation.
iv. Attend and/or assist at a school tour scheduled by PPS-PC.
v. Shadow a portion of a PEP class.
vi. Attend and/or assist at a membership meeting.
vii. Attend conferences and chapter wide events when possible.


Email resume and cover letter to Kylene Dibble at