Write/shoot pics for Expressions Magazine! Deadline Aug. 31 2017

My name is Summer Tillman. I am the editor of Expressions, a literary publication that provides a platform to minorities and underrepresented populations at ECU. Expressions is currently accepting student submissions from all majors and departments. This is an amazing opportunity for students to showcase their work, build their resumes, and be part of an award-winning publication.


Our theme is Still We Rise. We’re accepting photography, illustrations, poetry, short stories, spoken word, vignettes, journal entries, letters, and more. We are looking for entries of:


      Triumph, love, empowerment, pride, or resilience

      Hardship, pain, trauma, or personal thoughts


The deadline for submissions is Aug 31, 2017. More information will be available soon. Submissions can be sent to: tillmans14@students.ecu.eduWe can also be found at our Facebook or our Instagram account, @expressionsmagazine (where artists can be featured). Thank you so much.

Anonymous submissions are welcome!