Intern for the award-winning North Carolina Literary Review! Informative meeting

Dear Students:


Did you know that you can enroll in Dr. Margaret Bauer’s section of ENGL 4890 (001) to serve as an intern for the award-winning North Carolina Literary Review? To find out more, come to an information session on Tuesday, March 13, at 5:00 in Bate 2024 (til about 5:40).


Find out about what is involved in interning on the staff (and receiving 3.0 hours of class credit).In advance of this meeting, please explore the NCLR website to find out more about NCLR and this internship opportunity:


You can also flip through our online issues to see what it is we do (our online issues look very much like our print issues):


RSVP to Dr. Bauer to let her know you’re attending:

You must special add with Dr. Bauer (the editor)’s permission to enroll, so if you are interested but have a conflict, please let her know if you cannot attend so that she can work out another session or a meeting with you.