ENC Stop Human Trafficking- Fall 2018 Internship for Credit

Public Relations Intern – Fall 2018
ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now is looking for someone who is passionate about the anti-human trafficking movement and wants to help in that effort through promotions, branding, social media and community outreach.

The public relations intern will be asked to make daily social media posts, create the weekly e-newsletter, create brochures, flyers and mailings as needed; update the website as need; staff the tables at speaking engagements and community events; and work with various media outlets in the promotion of the organizations fundraising and awareness efforts.

Work can be done from home, but it is mandatory that the public relations intern be present at the ENCSHTN office (located in Farmville, N.C.) at the minimum of once a week.

Submit a cover letter and resume to Community Outreach Coordinator Melinda Sampson at
About ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now
Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Now is a nonprofit that desires to create a community that actively works towards abolishing human trafficking locally and globally. ENCSHTN is working to create a community that understands the tragedy of human trafficking and seeks to be part of the solution through community empowerment. Empowerment, education and awareness to instigate social change cannot be achieved without the commitment and dedication of people who have a passion to see the eradication of modern-day slavery. ENCSHTN welcomes anyone who wants to be a part of the anti-human trafficking movement. ENCSHTN offers a variety of ways for people to get involved in the movement, with focus on the educating of the public and various industries on the reality of sex and labor trafficking in Eastern North Carolina and the world; expanding local markets for fairly traded items produced without coerced or exploitative labor practices; encouraging legislators, law enforcement and the public to contribute the fight to end human trafficking; and collaborating with supporting local, national and international anti-trafficking and victim-assistance efforts.
“Interning with Eastern North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking Now was a wonderful summer experience that benefitted my professional career by allowing me to learn valuable skills needed in the workforce. It also helped me learn about an extremely important cause to society.”
-Matt, former summer intern for ENC Stop Human Trafficking Now