
Description E! is television’s top destination for all things entertainment and celebrity. E! is currently available to 98 million cable and satellite subscribers in the U.S. and the E! Everywhere initiative underscores the company’s dedication to making E! content available on all new media platforms any time and anywhere from online to broadband video to … Read more

Philadelphia Flyers

QUALIFICATIONS: • Open to COLLEGE STUDENTS ONLY, Junior, Senior, and Graduate Students • Must receive academic credit (students are required to provide documentation of receiving academic credit for the internship experience) • NO financial compensation is available for any position; Travel and housing arrangements are the responsibility of the students • NO interviews will be … Read more

World Service Authority

Undergrad/graduate students interested in educating about & promoting human rights & world citizenship are encouraged to apply for this 3 month, 15-20 hour (or more) per week internship (hours are flexible). PR Interns write to other organizations to inform them about the WSA and to consider potential partnerships. You will: update the WSA web site … Read more

McKinney Internships

The McKinney Internship Program offers students a front-row seat into the day-to-day world of a creatively driven ad agency. Students will be pulled into teams to learn from the best in the business and experience life at McKinney, first hand. This is a 10 week unpaid program through which each student will focus on a … Read more