The Institute of Outdoor Theatre Needs Interns

1. Spring Semester 2016 Project: The intern will produce a 2:00+ minute YouTube video based on the national theatre auditions sponsored by the Institute on January 16 & 17, 2015. The video will document and market this annual event and include interviews with student performers, hiring theatre companies and Institute staff as well as incorporating … Read more

Students Needed for Learning Platform and ECU Clickers

The following are 2 positions interested in student workers: Learning Platform Technician: Job posting found here: ECU Clickers Intern: Job posting found here: Note: This is not an ECU job. The student selected for this job will technically work for Turning Technologies, ECU’s current recommended clickers solution provider. The closing date to apply … Read more

Film/Media Student Needed

The Chronic Illnesses in Bladen Sampson Counties of NC is bringing awareness to the “Building Healthy Communities by Planting Healthy Seeds for a Healthy Future” campaign. Needs a student who is good with videos/media production, close to Eastern NC, and is very creative and dependable. They will need to connect with people very well if we did … Read more

Expressions Magazine 2016

Expressions Magazine a campus publication that aims to provide a voice to address the experiences, concerns, and perspectives in relation to minority groups. This year’s theme is Communication &Unity. We encourage submitters to consider how these things can can result in dialogue between cultures.   Submissions can consist of poems, short stories, articles, essays, photographs, and illustrations.   Students … Read more

Social Media Intern Needed For Film Crew

Social Media intern needed to maintain website and social media outlets for two documentary films. Intern will be recognized as one of the assistant producers for the films.   Requirements: outstanding 4th year journalism student or recent graduate. Any experience with WordPress websites is a plus.   For more info, contact Terrance Thompson at