Boys and Girls Club of Pitt County

 Organization Description: Boys and Girls Club of Pitt County is a non-profit organization serving 2,000 +  youth in Pitt County.  Now in its 40th year of operation, the club has a total of five operations: Two locations in Greenville, one in Ayden and one in Farmville North Carolina.  The main unit is the Jack Minges Unit on Fire … Read more

Campus Recreation & Wellness Marketing Assistant

Campus Recreation & Wellness Marketing Assistant  Job Description: Multi-faceted position that will assist with marketing aspects. Responsibilities of a Marketing Assistant include but are not limited to: Development, maintenance, and utilization of appropriate email listservs, providing timely customer response and follow-up for emails through the campus recreation email account, coordinating and assisting in implementation of tabling … Read more

Account Executive

  Account Executive: News Channel 12 and Fox Eastern Carolina are seeking an Account Executive. The position interacts daily with local direct business leaders in the Greenville sector of the market. The candidate must be outgoing and motivated to win. Prior media experience is required and candidate must have a strong understanding of agency and … Read more

Institute of Outdoor Drama

Editorial Assistant: Provide articles and edit the Institute’s online newsletter.  Individuals must be able to work both autonomously and as a team member. Other duties include:  writing, copying, surveys and basic research. A great opportunity for someone interested in honing their writing and editing skills or wanting to learn about arts management. Social Media Coordinator: … Read more

Inner Banks Media Internships

 Inner Banks Media is looking for 3-4 interns to work at our cluster of radio stations as well as Cable 7 station. We’re looking for people to learn to be a board operator, load and run programs, help at live broadcasts, represent our stations, and any other things that need done. Interns need to be motivated and … Read more