Film making internship

 FILM MAKING CONTEST Screening for Mental Health, a national non-profit, is inviting film makers (current and budding) to submit a 30 second video public service announcement (PSA) exposing risky drinking on college campuses.  Winning entries will be used as part of this year’s National Alcohol Screening Day campaign and will win a prize of up … Read more

University Health Systems

Summer Internship for University Health Systems Strategic Development Must be a rising junior, senior or graduate student in Marketing and/or Public Relations  This is an unpaid internship. Description of job duties: q  Prepare articles for employee newsletter q  Write for hospital publications q  Assist with media relations q  Add to news clip file q  Assist … Read more

St Louis Post-Dispatch

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a 213,000-circulation daily newspaper, is offering a 13-week paid multimedia internship for Summer 2011. College credit is also available. We’re looking for an enthusiastic, multidisciplined, creative and flexible multimedia journalist with a sense of humor, curiosity and adventure who can generate and execute multimedia ideas professionally and efficiently. The candidate should … Read more

Scripps Journalism

March 15 is the deadline to apply for a Fall placement in the Scripps Howard Foundation Semester in Washington program. The hands-on journalism program brings six junior and senior print journalism majors to Washington, D.C., for three academic terms — fall, spring and summer — where they function as reporters for a web-based wire service. … Read more


CNN is offering a paid internship this summer in Washington, D.C., with Senior Political Correspondent Candy Crowley. Hurry, the deadline is this weekend. Internship runs from June 6 to August 12 and pays minimum wage. College credit is also available. Applicants must be enrolled in college and have completed their sophomore year in college prior … Read more