Film making internship

 FILM MAKING CONTEST Screening for Mental Health, a national non-profit, is inviting film makers (current and budding) to submit a 30 second video public service announcement (PSA) exposing risky drinking on college campuses.  Winning entries will be used as part of this year’s National Alcohol Screening Day campaign and will win a prize of up … Read more


CNN is offering a paid internship this summer in Washington, D.C., with Senior Political Correspondent Candy Crowley. Hurry, the deadline is this weekend. Internship runs from June 6 to August 12 and pays minimum wage. College credit is also available. Applicants must be enrolled in college and have completed their sophomore year in college prior … Read more

Aspen Public Radio

Aspen Public Radio in Colorado is offering a paid radio journalism internship this summer. APR will provide a stipend of $5,000. The summer position runs from early June through August (we are flexible with back-to-school dates). Deadline to apply is March 15. APR has an award-winning, three person news team, which includes a news director/reporter, … Read more

Paid internship @ Dr. Drew show

Paid summer internship @ Dr. Drew show A paid summer internship is available on the Dr. Drew Show on HLN. The 12-week position is based in Los Angeles, pays minimum wage. College credit is also available. Applicants must be students who have not have graduated college or graduate school prior to the start of the … Read more