How I answer the question “what are you?”

This is me, brown eyes, light skin and curly hair. To those I call my people, I look like them and to those who don’t know me, I look ambiguous.  I’ve been working as a waitress for quite some time now and I meet lots of people throughout my week. Since my first week, I’ve … Read more

The Bible’s #MeToo Problem   This is written by a pastor, who is asking about the stories of women in the Bible who experienced sexual assaults.

Op-ed: Protesting India’s Inadequate Rape Laws

Savannah Bynum The fundamental issues in India can be found in their outdated laws pertaining to what constitutes rape. Rape in India is defined as “penile penetration into the vagina,” which entails that only a man can be the perpetrator and only a woman can be the victim. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, with … Read more

Southern Africa’s Contraceptive Control

Abigail Detwiller Puberty is a crucial step as girls prepare for the decisions and responsibilities of sexuality and reproduction. Faridah Nalubega, a 26 year-old woman intended to have just two or three children, the most she felt she could afford by selling fried fish in Kampala, Uganda, according to PAI, a U.S.-based family-planning advocacy group. … Read more

What is Female Genital Mutilation and How Do We Stop It?

By Giuliana Davis             Let’s examine the average 12-year-old girl. Having just starting understanding how men will a play a role in her life, she spends her time day dreaming over the boy she met in school. She enjoys playing with her friends, and experimenting with makeup. She shouldn’t have a care in the world, … Read more