Honor killings in the United States

http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/01/23/opening-statement-begin-monday-arizona-honor-killing/ This article is a couple months old but since we recently discussed honor killings I felt it was relevant. This is a case of honor killing in the Arizona in which a Iraqi man killed his daughter and injured his daughter’s boyfriend’s mother because his daughter had become too “westernized”. Noor Almaleki refused to … Read more

Increasing Food Supply by Improving Women’s Rights

If you are hearing the news about increasing food prices, now is a good time to think about how women can be the solution rather than the problem, as the book Half the Sky claims: Bias Against Female Farmers Shrinks Food Harvests What do you think? Would global gender equality in agriculture potentially offset these intermittent … Read more

Women in Egypt Speak up about Getting Left out of Constitutional Process

It is interesting to read the previous post about women feeling empowered in Egypt now in their everyday lives. And really interesting link between sexual harrassment and political frustraction. But what about at the larger “public” levels of society? See this article: women’s organizations are already protesting getting left out of scripting the new constitution–and not … Read more

Focus Placed on Education as UN Women’s Commission Begins Annual Session

The UN Commission on the Status of Women’s  annual session kicked off today with opening remarks that address the necessity of educating women and girls as a tool of economic and personal empowerment. This is a recurrent theme throughout the literature regarding women’s issues worldwide, and I look forward to seeing what progress is made … Read more

17 Victims Sue Pentagon Over ‘Plague’ of Sexual Violence

See this brave group of women who are suing the Pentagon over a culture that seems to condone or cover up rape and sexual harrassment: 17 Victims Sue Pentagon Over ‘Plague’ of Sexual Violence Within the text is this: “The lawsuit cited the Pentagon’s own statistics that reported 3,230 rapes and other sexual assaults in … Read more