Op-Ed: Review Comparison on Two Different Human Rights Activism Techniques

By C. White on October 21, 2015 Book titled, Confronting Global Gender Justice: Women’s Lives, Human Rights includes “Marjorie Agosin’s poetics of memory: human rights, feminism, and literary forms” by Pérez and “Digital storytelling for gender justice: exploring the challenges of participation and the limits of polyvocality” by Hill. I recommend these readings, especially for … Read more

Domestic Violence in the African American Community

By C. White on October 23, 2015 African Americans are disproportionally affected by intimate partner violence (IPV) from current or former romantic partners. In one study, African American males self-reported violent acts against their women at significantly higher rates and severity (113 per 1,000) than the rate and magnitude of violence of self-reported by White … Read more

Clinic helps end harmful cultural practices in Bangladesh

http://www.unfpa.org/news/clinic-helps-end-dangerous-traditional-practices-rural-bangladesh In Chanti Hasradanga, a rural village in rural northwest Bangladesh, a clinic is helping the community to change harmful cultural practices that cause infant mortality. Women in this village typically do not receive pre- or post-natal medical treatments, but rely upon traditional birth attendants  who are not skilled in handling complicated pregnancies or births. … Read more

Status of Women in Canada

  http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/status-of-women-internal-report-1.3214751 A new report released by Status of Women Canada shows Canada falling in several fronts of gender equality according to a CBC article posted September 7th.  The report compiles analysis of gender equality topics such as violence against women, employment rates of women compared to men as well as pay rates, treatment of … Read more

Pop Star Identifies As Pansexual

Pop star Miley Cyrus recently revealed to several publications that she considers herself to be gender fluid and pansexual, claiming that she doesn’t label herself as neither boy nor girl and doesn’t limit herself to those labels when choosing romantic partners. Pansexuality is not new, as experts say there have always been people who fall within … Read more

Intimate Domestic Violence: African American Women

Institutional and internalized racism significantly contributes to African American misogyny and domestic violence. The problem is as old as African American slavery and the 19th century Freedmen’s Bureau (Hubbert 2011:129) contains a list of complaints about domestic violence from African American women by their husbands and boyfriends. African American women presently experience domestic violence 35% more than … Read more

How Menstrual Cups Can Improve Educational Outcomes For Girls In Africa

Menstruation is an often overlooked factor in understanding poor educational outcomes for girls in parts of Africa and other developing areas.  Without access to sanitary products, many girls (and women) are often forced to use items like unsanitary rags, leaves or old newspapers to cope with their periods.  Due to the lack of sufficient sanitation … Read more

I “just” wanted to point this out…

As students — many of whom will be scouring the job market for opportunities in the near future — we are often preoccupied with the written and spoken language that we use; not solely for the numerous research papers, essays and presentations we are responsible for producing over the course of our educational careers, but … Read more

Best Tampon Commercial Ever

A commercial for Hello Flo, a home delivery service that provides essentials for your period, may possibly be the best tampon commercial ever. From the moment that the young woman says “the red badge of courage”, the audience is captivated. As a matter of fact, it is not hard at all to understand why such … Read more

does Stand Your Ground protect battered women?

Can Women Stand Their Ground? Depends On the Target. Marissa Alexander was a battered woman who was trained to use a weapon, had a concealed carry permit, and had a court injunction against her husband. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a warning shot at the ceiling – a shot that … Read more