Videos and Reports: Wait, you thought we were done!?

Since we left Costa Rica a lot has happened. The semester has seen most of the students back in class, busily working on papers and participating in new field projects, but that does not mean Expedition Costa Rica has ended! Report writing and public outreach have continued. In January, the majority of us will present … Read more

Trip Photo Album

We would like to thank our followers for reading all about our field work in Costa Rica. Today is, sadly, our last day in Cahuita, but that does not mean the project is over! While we pack up and head home to North Carolina, we would like to share our amazing trip with you! Please, … Read more

A Conversation with Luis and Minor

Sometimes archaeologists get to feel like CSI sleuths. When attempting to research sites and understand the site formation processes and histories, oftentimes we must look to the locals and pick through the stories to pull out the answers. We sat down with Luis and his brother Minor to ask a few questions about the sites … Read more

One Week Down – A Crew Chief’s Perspective

Sunday marked the end of the first week of our field school here in Costa Rica. For most of us, getting on the plane a week ago feels like the distant past. A lot has happened since we arrived in this beautiful coastal town. On any given day, we are up at 7am for breakfast. After … Read more

A Conversation with Don Manuel

On day six of the Costa Rica summer field school, participants continued to conduct an ethnographic survey of the town of Cahuita. To complement the boat recording, conversations with the captains are being held and documented. My team, which consisted of myself, Jeremy Borrelli, Wale Oyediran, Allyson Ropp, and Devin Urban, was fortunate enough to … Read more

Day 1: Site Orientation

After a full day of being stuffed into vehicles with little, or no, leg room (oh, the hard life of a tall man), beginning our first day of work in the water felt like a blessing.  After a breakfast of eggs, beans, rice, and fresh fruit (the fruit tastes way better here than stateside), we … Read more

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