The East Carolinian Editor Internship

The Office of Student Media is accepting applications for an internship for the position of public editor for TEC. The position reports ECU’s director of Student Media.

The position is responsible for the newspaper’s relation with its readers. The public editor will:
•Investigate recommended corrections from readers and staff members, and write corrections accordingly to be placed in the paper.  
• Survey sources from stories in each edition, and report findings to the staff.
• Place all corrections within the appropriate story on the Web site and note in each story that the story has been altered (appended) from its original state.
• Complete a reader survey to gauge the feelings of the readers – including, but not limited to: coverage, accuracy, appeal and service to the community.
• Attend weekly budget and staff meetings.
• Help organize and promote TEC interest meetings.
• Work with managing editor to help with outreach and staff development events.
• Write a column on a regular schedule (frequency to be determined). The column’s purpose will be to connect TEC and its readership.

Skills Desired:  The intern must be able to meet deadlines and have strong writing and organization skills. Interest or background in journalism a plus.
Compensation: This is an unpaid internship. The writing published will enhance his or her resume and portfolio.   

Contact: Paul Isom, director of Student Media at or 252-328-9234