Max Kampelman Fellowship Program


Washington, D.C.

Named for a longtime U.S. Ambassador to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Kampelman Fellows represent the next generation of American leaders in security policy, human rights, and strategic communications. The fellowship program is set to start in April and last for 3-6 months.

Kampelman Fellows join a team of world-class experts at an independent, bicameral, bipartisan, inter- branch federal agency. The Helsinki Commission advances American national security and national interests by promoting human rights, military security, and economic cooperation in 57 countries. Fellows are paid hourly, and are offered ongoing enrichment, professional development, and networking opportunities facilitated by senior commission staff.

The Kampelman Fellowship program is open to recent undergraduates, current graduate students, and undergraduate students with previous internship experience. All Kampelman Fellowship candidates should have a keen interest in learning more about international affairs, the inner workings of Congress, and the relationship between the legislative and executive branches in the realm of foreign policy.

Communications Fellows

Communications fellows assist with media outreach activities; help publicize Commission hearings and briefings; develop web content; and craft creative and engaging content to be shared on social media. They also assist with other special communications projects and perform administrative duties. Each fellow is expected to write at least one article for publication on the commission website during his or her fellowship period.

Policy Fellows

Policy fellows research policies and trends relating to international military, economic, and human rights commitments throughout the 57-country OSCE region; assist staff advisors with hearings, briefings, congressional delegations, legislation, and publications; attend congressional hearings, panels, and events; and perform administrative duties.

To apply, please visit