Campus Election Engagement Project

Do you know any organized, responsible, and energetic students who could intern for academic credit with our Campus Election Engagement Project? CEEP,, is a non-partisanproject I launched in 2008 to help college and university faculty, administrators, and staff get their students involved in the election, helping them register, volunteer, learn about the issues, and turn out at the polls. We worked with 500 campuses that year and hope to work with even more in 2012. We’re pulling together resources, like our memo on ways to get students engaged in the elections this spring, (which we’re now updating for summer). We’re partnering with other national higher education groups and key off-campus groups like Rock the Vote, the League of Women Voters, the student PIRGS and the Fair Elections Legal Network. But our prime reach will be through helping Campus Compact‘s state affiliates secure additional staffers, so they can reach out to help engage schools in their states, where they have strong existing relationships. 
We’re doing most of this through raising funds for paid staff. But we’ve also found some wonderful interns who are working in exchange for academic credit, working with the project this summer (or fall), and then writing a paper or submitting some other kind of reflection for independent study or practicum credit.  We thought you could possibly help find some more.
If you or any colleagues know any energetic, responsible and self-starting grad students (or highly organized undergrads) who you believe would do a good job working with one of our local Compacts in engaging schools this summer or fall in return for your giving them academic credit, please have them contact us at campuselect@gmail.comwith a resume and letter describing their relevant background. We’ll then connect them with the relevant state Compact office, and do our best to plug them in.
Also if you want to help engage your school, please visit and enter your info so we can keep in touch with you and so other interested faculty and staff at your school can connect with you and work together to engage your students.