Category 2: Assignments that teach foundational skills of composing in and about the disciplines. These assignments provide students with the opportunity to practice writing moves that are common to a variety of fields and to consider how and why writing conventions and expectations differ across disciplinary audiences and purposes.
Possible Schedule for Category 2: Butler-2201-Weekly-Schedule-7-Finals
Possibilities for Project 3 that lead directly to Project 4
Research Proposal: Research Proposal by Tracy Ann Morse, Lundgren P3 by Zach Lundgren, and C2-P1 Proposal assignment guide by Abigail L. Morris
Bibliographic Essay: Baker P3 Bibliographic Essay by Alana Baker
Literature Review: Butler P3 Disciplinary Literature Review by Janine Butler
Possibilities for Category Two: Projects 3 and 4
Research Investigation/Polished Writing for Disciplinary Audience: Students write up their investigation/research in a specific disciplinary genre and for a specific disciplinary audience of their choosing.
Research Investigation and Presentation by Tracy Ann Morse
C2:P2 assignment guide by Abigail L. Morris
C2:P2 Presentation assignment guide by Abigail L. Morris
Article for a Trade Journal: Students write up their investigation/research in the specific genre of an article for a trade journal within their discipline. Students would have to choose a trade journal from their field (ideally, based on Category 1 or Project 3 research/exposure) then write an article that follows the conventions of that journal. (This is a more specific instruction than asking students to write a research investigation for a disciplinary audience and to choose their genre.)
Polished Writing for Public Audience: Students write up their disciplinary investigation/research in a specific genre and for a specific non-specialist audience of their choosing.
Persuasive Text: Baker P4 Persuasive Text by Alana Baker
Explanation of Key Procedure or Process Assignment: Thompson P3 Explanation of Key Procedure by Kimberly Thompson
Response to an Ethical Issue/Scenario Assignment: Thompson P4 Response to Ethical Issue by Kimberly Thompson
For variations of several of the above: Butler P4 Disciplinary Writing Project by Janine Butler
“Press Release” Assignment: (From the sample syllabus) Students will write a press release about the issue for a mainstream news publication. The goal here would not be to teach students how to write a press release specifically but to foster their abilities to condense complex ideas and explain them concisely for broad audiences.
Visual Presentation
Resource: LibGuide through Joyner