Greenville Little League Internship Opportunity

Have you always wanted to learn more about live video production or sports broadcasting? Greenville Little League is seeking students who would like to gain experience producing and commentating games for the 2021 Little League season. Last summer, they broadcasted over 150 Little League games on the Elm Street Park Network with a four camera broadcast, live scoreboard, and live announcers due to Covid-19 spectator restrictions. The broadcast was staffed by volunteers, interns and even professional announcers who gave their time. This year, they want to give students the opportunity to refine their skills and add valuable experience to their resume by volunteering to help with the live broadcast.

They believe it will be most helpful to their experience if students commit to at least 5-10 nights, ideally one night a week for the duration of the season (approximately 10 weeks mid-April through mid-June). Those who commit to one night a week will be given priority. However, other schedules and opportunities may be available based on interest. Please fill out the following form to indicate your interest level.

Applications will be accepted until March 15th.