What if Grades? Did you know?

What are What-If Grades? What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for assignments. Only students can enter and view What-If scores. Learn how students use What-If Scores. Notes: If Multiple Grading Periods are enabled in your course and users cannot view total grades, or if you have hidden student … Read more

It’s weighing some people down

Canvas Grades when downloaded can be a bit confusing as it automatically creates percentages for assignments per either your grouping or dependent where they are located.  I am re-posting a past blog on this topic here. Here are some files which may also help. Setting Up Point-Based Gradebook-1 Setting Up Percentage-Based Gradebook

Now Available!

Microsoft Immersive Reader The Microsoft Immersive Reader boosts the accessibility of pages and can enhance the reading experience for students. The Immersive Reader won’t get in the way or alter pages. You can launch the Immersive Reader then return to the original page view at any time. How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader … Read more

While we are talking about hacks

This link will bring you to 20 but I thought these were pretty neat Grade rollbacks If you’ve made errors while entering grades (and who among us hasn’t accidentally found ourselves entering grades in the wrong column before?), the grade rollback feature might be your new best friend. In your gradebook, if you click on … Read more

Reading day Symposium and Grade Tips

If you haven’t checked out the Symposium – How I Survived the Pivot_ Creative Solutions to Facilitate Remote Learning click this link for what’s coming or what you missed. Some Grade reminders for Students and Faculty What if Grades for Students Weighting Grades Export Grades Hiding Grades Print Exam

Share this tip with your students!

What are What-if Grades?  What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for assignments. Only students can enter and view What-If scores. Canvas is always working to calculate two grades, the current grade and the total grade, for students. The current grade is calculated by adding up the graded assignments … Read more

A tip for your students and training with the Canvas Support Staff

Did you know that students can go to their grades and enter “what if” scenarios to check what grade they need to achieve.  Neat feature.  Here’s how to do it. Training schedule – from Canvas Update 8 Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Getting Started with Canvas 9:00am10:15am Health Sciences Building 1120 Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Canvas: … Read more

And now for closing tips

As you enter final grades you can download your grades from Blackboard by clicking work offline, do remember to be a good steward of student information and save to your piratedrive!  Need assistance contact OET! Make note of what worked and what did not work and calendar for next course prep.

August 1 Upgrade

Resolution of Grade Center Duplication Issue With the new Blackboard Theme and Course Appearance upgrade on August 1 this will no longer be an issue. Please note “With this upgrade, all current themes will be retired as they no longer adequately meet Accessibility Standards and are not Mobile and Tablet Friendly”

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