Keeping things simple

Links to sections that don’t have any content and that students cannot create content for will be automatically hidden for students and will display the Visibility icon to instructors. Disabling a course navigation link creates the following redirects: Hidden only (cannot be disabled but still accessible via direct URL): Discussions and Grades Page disabled; redirected to … Read more

Share this tip with your students!

What are What-if Grades?  What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for assignments. Only students can enter and view What-If scores. Canvas is always working to calculate two grades, the current grade and the total grade, for students. The current grade is calculated by adding up the graded assignments … Read more

A tip for your students and training with the Canvas Support Staff

Did you know that students can go to their grades and enter “what if” scenarios to check what grade they need to achieve.  Neat feature.  Here’s how to do it. Training schedule – from Canvas Update 8 Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Getting Started with Canvas 9:00am10:15am Health Sciences Building 1120 Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Canvas: … Read more

Thoughts from an Early Adopter

From Dr. Guyla Evans, our faculty leader and early Canvas Adoptee – Canvas has lots of bells and whistles, but we don’t have to incorporate all of them at once.  The “best practice” recommendation adopted by the Faculty Senate suggests at minimum using the “Syllabus” and “Grades” features within Canvas. If you choose to teach … Read more

And now for closing tips

As you enter final grades you can download your grades from Blackboard by clicking work offline, do remember to be a good steward of student information and save to your piratedrive!  Need assistance contact OET! Make note of what worked and what did not work and calendar for next course prep.

Some Final Tips!

And no not just because it is finals week but just some reminders on test analysis features For tests deployed in BB click on the down arrow to choose one of the following for assessment information and don’t forget if you download your grades to an Excel file save to your Pirate drive not to … Read more

Grade Center Tips!

1.  The last access column represents the last time the student accessed the course you are checking. 2. Hiding a column just hides it  from the your grade center view it is still visible to the students. To hide a column from student edit the column information and select NO for option 3 3. To … Read more

As Spring ends and Summer begins . . .

With the end of Spring Semester instructors often like to download grades from Blackboard, (go to Grade Center, select Work Offline, select download and follow the prompts to get an Excel workbook of grades for the semester) please remember that those files should be stored on your pirate drive or department pirate drive not your … Read more

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