Trip Photo Album

We would like to thank our followers for reading all about our field work in Costa Rica. Today is, sadly, our last day in Cahuita, but that does not mean the project is over! While we pack up and head home to North Carolina, we would like to share our amazing trip with you! Please, … Read more

A Conversation with Luis and Minor

Sometimes archaeologists get to feel like CSI sleuths. When attempting to research sites and understand the site formation processes and histories, oftentimes we must look to the locals and pick through the stories to pull out the answers. We sat down with Luis and his brother Minor to ask a few questions about the sites … Read more

Last Day of Recording!

After a great deal of hard work, and more than our fair share of “dumb jar” moments, all teams finished recording their sections of the Brick Site.  After surfacing, we were treated with a quick boat trip to Cahuita Point to mark the end of site recording. Here we ate coconuts and checked out some … Read more

We’ve (almost) got scientific mapping down to an art

Today, a group of us returned to the brick site to continue working on our units. Most of the bricks lie between 20 and 30 meters on the baseline, approximately, so the buddy teams assigned to these two units were required to complete a large amount of detailed drawing. We (Katie and Emily) have been … Read more

One Week Down – A Crew Chief’s Perspective

Sunday marked the end of the first week of our field school here in Costa Rica. For most of us, getting on the plane a week ago feels like the distant past. A lot has happened since we arrived in this beautiful coastal town. On any given day, we are up at 7am for breakfast. After … Read more

Shore Diving – An Adventure in Cahuita National Park

Today we only had two boats available to take us to the wreck sites. The snorkel group, which included Dr. Harris, Dr. Richards, Kelsey, Wale, and I, elected to hike through Cahuita National Park to get to the brick scatter near the Cannon site. This brick scatter was only recently discovered when Dr. Harris and … Read more

Just another day mapping paradise! 

Today we continued mapping the Brick Site in Cahuita’s National Park. The weather was perfect, the visibility was great, and the water temperature was better than anyone could have asked for. The baseline is 54 meters in length, so we split up the site into 5 meter units. In total there are 22 units and … Read more

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