
Fall 2024

Director: Dr. Tracy Ann Morse

Office: Bate 2210
Office Phone: 252-737-2040
WebEx Office:
WebEx Phone: 1-415-655-0003
Office Hours (WebEx/Bate 2210): T 9:30–11am; W 8:30-11am; Th 10:30–11:30am; & by appointment

Graduate Assistant Director: Zac Singletary

Office: Bate 2101
Office Hours:  TBA

Preparing for Fall 2024–Spring 2025

**Please note that some material on this Blog has become inaccessible with some updates to ECU’s use of OneDrive. Contact Dr. Morse ( if you have something you are trying to access that you cannot.**

Standard Recommended Texts

ENGL 1100

  • They Say/ I Say, 6th edition eBook with The Little Seagull Handbook, 5th edition print and InQuizitive for Writers: $38 net ISBN: 978-1-324-07782-4
  • Pirate Papers for ENGL 1100. 9thed. 2022. ISBN: 9781453402597

ENGL 2201

  • The Little Seagull Handbook, 5th edition print with InQuizitive for Writers: $26 net ISBN: 978-1-324-06000-0
  • Miller-Cochran, Susan, et al. An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing: A Rhetoric and Reader, 3rd Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2022. Ebook. ISBN: 9781319421298.
  • Pirate Papers for ENGL 2201. 2nd ed. 2023. ISBN: 9781453402955


Academic Integrity Violation Process

Please refer to the entire policy and process in the Faculty Manual. This resource is just to help as a quick reference as you move through the process.

Information on Grade Appeals

Timing: Initiated by student via ECU email within 48 hours following the “Grades Due” deadline in the Academic Calendar. Student must email the instructor and copy the unit administrator. The instructor has 24 hours from the sent time of the email to respond to the unit administrator if they are unavailable to handle the grade appeal and turn over relevant material to the unit administrator. Within 96 hours of the “Grades Due” deadline, the instructor meets with the student OR if the unit administrator is acting in lieu of the instructor, within 168 hours of the “Grades Due” deadline, the unit administrator meets with the student.

If the appeal is not resolved in this meeting, the student sends a written appeal to the unit administrator (for ENGL 1100/2201, these are sent to Dr. Tracy Ann Morse []) by the end of 10 days (240 hours) from the “Grades Due” deadline.

Reasons for Grade Appeal: The student has the burden of proof to show at least one of the following:

1. An error was made in grade computation;
2. Standards different from those established in written department, school, college, or university policies, if specific policies exist, were used in assigning the grade;
3. The instructor departed substantially from instructor’s previously articulated, written standards, without notifying students, in determining the grade; or
4. Grade assigned was arbitrary or capricious based on the information in the record.

Information on Incompletes

This department document provides much information about ECU and allowing Incompletes for students. A general practice is not to award an incomplete if 75% or more of the work of the course is not completed. For ENGL 1100 and 2201, this means that all but the Portfolio of Revisions must be completed for an Incomplete option to be considered.

Report a Person of Concern

Form to fill out on Website

Referrals are reviewed during normal business hours and are not monitored after hours, on weekends or during official University holidays. While this referral is reviewed by a variety of campus partners it is NOT designed for emergency response situations.

For assistance completing this referral, please contact ECU Cares at (252) 328-9297.

Pirate Papers

Submission form for 2020-2022 (for ENGL 1100 and 2201)

Current Topics in Teaching Writing

AI Writing

D’Agostino, S. (2023, January 12). ChatGPT advice academics can use now. Inside Higher Ed.

Chang, J., Chakrabarti, M, & Skoog, T. (2023, January 10). How AI chatbots are changing how we write and who we trust. On Point for WBUR.

Kelley, K. J. (2023, January 19). Teaching Actual Student Writing in an AI World. Inside Higher Ed.

Metz, Cade. (2022, December 11). The new Chatbots could change the world. Can you trust them? The New York Times.

Mills, Anna (Curator). (2022). AI Text Generators and Teaching Writing: Starting Points For Inquiry. Last Updated February 14, 2023.

Warner, J. (2022, December 5). Freaking out about ChatGPT—Part I. Just Visiting Blog for Inside Higher Ed.

Warner, J. (2023, January 4). How about we put learning at the center? Just Visiting Blog for Inside Higher Ed.

Watkins, M. (2022, December 14). Guest Post: AI will augment, not replace. Just Visiting Blog for Inside Higher Ed.

Social Justice and Writing

Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 44.3 (Summer 2021)
Special Issue: Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racist Projects in Writing Program Administration

10 Ways to Tackle Linguistic Bias in Our Classrooms” By Catherine Savini
from Inside Higher Ed, 27 January 2021

Prompt: A Journal of Academic Writing Assignments
Issue. 5.1 (2021) Social Justice Writing Assignments: Toward a Politics of Location
The full issue and individual articles are available on the journal’s website.

Antiracist WAC Toolkit by Syracuse University
“Our work builds on theories that support multilingual writers and that promote antiracist assessment strategies as we see such work as an integral part of writing across the curriculum.” –Syracuse University, WAC Program

Help with Teaching Online

Teaching Writing with Canvas by Virginia Tech

Active Learning while Physical Distancing by LSU

The Nature of Hybrid Courses, Particularly in Writing by Doug Hesse at University of Denver

Teaching Writing Online (Resources created and collated by Lori Ostergaard & Traci Gardner and faculty at Oakland University)

Teaching Online Tidbits (TOTs) by Shelley Rodrigo at the University of Arizona

Record in PowerPoint and Share on YouTube with Captions by Andrea Krafft
Of course you may do this in Studio by recording your desktop, but if you wanted to play with PowerPoint, here is a tutorial.


October 26-30, 2020: ECU students are strongly encouraged to participate in the Fall 2020 #ECUKindnessChallenge influenced by the Pirate Read, The War for Kindness. By using the ECU-specific hashtag on your posts to social media about your involvement in the #ECUKindnessChallenge, you may win an award of some ECU swag!


4 August 2020

University Writing Center

The UWC will be online this year, but you may still request a “visit” to your class (f2f or DE).
Go to the UWC site:
Scroll down to “Schedule a Classroom Visit”
Fill out form and then you will receive the video visit.

Check your classroom

Please go to this link to check your classroom for size, microphone, and other technologies.

Preparing for Fall 2020

APA Style Guide and Handouts

instructional aids for the seventh edition Publication Manual

Standard and Recommended Texts for 2020-2022

ENGL 1100

Norton Bundle Registration Card: ISBN 9780393546088
Bullock, Richard, et al. The Little Seagull Handbook, 3ed. Norton, 2017. (spiral bound and
InQuizitive for Writers
Lunsford, Andrea, et al. Everyone’s an Author, 3ed. Norton, 2020. (ebook)

Pirate Papers for ENGL 1100. 8th ed. 2018. ISBN: 978145340251
Zaki, Jamil. The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World. Broadway Books,
2020. ISBN: 978-0451499257

ENGL 2201

Bullock, Richard, et al. The Little Seagull Handbook, 3ed. Norton, 2017. Spiral and ebook
w/InQuizitive for Writers. ISBN 978-0-393-64631-3
Miller-Cochran, Susan, et al. An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing: A Rhetoric and Reader,
2nd ed. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2019. Ebook. ISBN: 9781319228064.
Pirate Papers for ENGL 2201. 2020. ISBN: 9781453402221.

15 April 2020

ENGL 1100/2201 Portfolio in Blackboard

Please change the setting of the assignment in Blackboard from “Portfolio Submission” to “Individual Submission”:

image of submission details in edit mode of assignment in Blackboard

This will allow students to simply submit revisions without having to set up a portfolio.

University Writing Portfolio in iWebfolio

You do not need to require submissions for Spring 2020. Please note that next Fall we will be using a different system for collecting writing for the University Writing Portfolios.

15 January 2020

Spring Office Hours of Writing Foundations Program Directors/Graduate Assistant Director

Tracy Ann Morse, Director in Bate 2210:  W 8:30-11am; R 10:30am-1pm; & by appointment

Abigail Morris, Graduate Assistant Director in Bate 2005 (MindTap help for instructors [not students]): MF 11am–12pm & WR 1–5pm

Mary Ann Parrott: Cengage Rep and help with MindTap,
919.696.1598| |

29 August 2019

Just a reminder for you and your students to sign up for Alerts from ECU. Also, please be sure you have a plan for any classroom you are teaching in if an event happens on campus. [Trigger Warning: video on the site below includes a reenactment of an active shooter at a business and covers three specific strategies we can use in such an event. Run. Hide. Fight.]

Run. Hide. Fight. | Alert Information

16 August 2019

Writing Foundations Program Meeting Agenda

Disability Support Services Contacts

SLAY HALL, Room 138
Phone: 252-737-1016
Fax: 252-737-1025
East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must be registered with the Department for Disability Support Services.
Stephen Gray                            Nancy Ausherman
Director of DSS                           Assistant Director                 

Whitney Kimble                        Kristina Page
Disability Support Specialist      Testing Coordinator           

Brian Stanford                            Kristi Godley
Assistive Technology Specialist     Admin Support Specialist          

D5 Steps for Facilitating Accommodations in Your Course

Fall Office Hours of Writing Foundations Program Director/Graduate Assistant Director

Tracy Ann Morse in Bate 2210:  T 9-11am & 12:15-1:15pm; W 9-10am; R 12:15-1:15pm; & by appointment

Abigail Morris in Bate 2005 (MindTap help for instructors [not students]): TR 11am̵̵-2pm & W 11am-5pm; & by appointment

Autumn Pruitt in Bate 2209: contact to reserve Bate 2007 (computer lab) and please note, we have limitations on how often it may be reserved

Mary Ann Parrott: Cengage Rep and help with MindTap,
919.696.1598| |

15 August 2019

Keats Sparrow Awards, at 2019 Joyner Library Student Awards, Aug. 21 @ 5pm in Faulkner Art Gallery in Joyner Library

1st place:   Lillian Shannon, “Making Informed Decisions Regarding Prenatal Genetic                              Testing and the Health Literacy Barrier,” ENGL 2201, Marc Petersen

2nd place:  Hannah Donahue, “Equine Assisted Activities Benefit Special Populations                              in Occupational Therapy Practice,” ENGL 2201, Marc Petersen

3rd Place:  Dianna Pittman, “The Detrimental Influence of Social Media Apps on                                          Multimedia Journalism,” ENGL 2201, Marc Petersen

August 21, 5pm in Faulkner: Award including Keats Sparrow.
2019 Joyner Library Student Awards

7 August 2019

Writing Foundations Program Meeting: August 16 @ 3pm in Bate 1028

8 January 2019

Spring Office Hours of Writing Foundations Program Directors/Graduate Assistant Directors

Tracy Ann Morse in Bate 2210:  T 9-11am; W 9-10am; R 10:30am-12:30pm; & by appointment
Brandon Hardy in Bate 2005 (1100/2201, AI Violation help): MW 9am–12pm; T 1–3pm; & R 10:30am–12:30pm
Abigail Morris in Bate 2005 (MindTap help for instructors [not students]): MW 10am–2pm & T 9am–12pm, 1–2pm

Victoria Costner: MindTap Student Ambassador, and 980.251.4254 (please share her contact info with students); in Bate 2005 on 1/15, 9am-3pm

Mary Ann Parrott: Cengage Rep and help with MindTap,
919.696.1598| |

17 October 2018

Image of the cover of The Last Ballad and author Wiley Cash.
Wiley Cash, author of The Last Ballad, will speak in Hendrix on Nov. 6 at 7pm. Books will be for sale and the author will sign books after the talk. It is a Premiere Wellness Passport event.

20 August 2018

Common first week readings for ENGL 1100 and 2201 are scanned and available in the ENGL 1100 and 2201 sections of the Blog (just scroll down).

Office Hours of Writing Foundations Program Directors/Graduate Assistant Directors

Tracy Morse in Bate 2210:  M 10-11am; W 9-11am; & R 10:30am-12:30pm
Brandon Hardy in Bate 2026 (1100/2201, AI Violation help): MW 9am–12pm; T 1–3pm; & R 10:30am–12:30pm
Abigail Morris in Bate 2005 (MindTap help for instructors [not students]): M 10-11am, 1-3pm; W 10-11am, 12-3pm; & F 10-11am & in Bate 2117: T 3-5pm

Victoria Costner: MindTap Student Ambassador, and 980.251.4254 (please share her contact info with students)

8/22 at 4:30pm in Faulkner Gallery--award ceremony

15 August 2018

The Writing Foundations Program meeting will be on Friday, August 17 at 3pm in Bate 1028 : Agenda. We will review important information to help you with teaching ENGL 1100/2201.

Pirate Read Library Guide

10 April 2018

As you begin prepping for Fall 2018, here is information to help you. Don’t forget to look at individual course information for updated syllabi and schedules.

Dates for Fall Class Meetings.

MWF Dates
TR Dates

Books for 2018-2020.

ENGL 1100

Cash, Wiley. The Last Ballad. (Paperback forthcoming). ISBN: 9780062313126.

Pirate Papers for ENGL 1100. 8th ed. 2018. Print. ISBN: 9781453402511 .

Becoming Rhetorical, Pocket Keys, and MindTap Access Code Bundle: 9780357008775.

Nicotra, Jodie. Becoming Rhetorical: Analyzing and Compositing in a Multimedia World. Cengage Learning, 2019.
Raimes, Ann and Susan K. Miller-Cochran. Pocket Keys for Writers. 6th ed., Cengage Learning, 2018.
MindTap. Cengage Learning.

ENGL 2201

Pocket Keys and Mindtap Access Code Bundle: 9781337585767

Raimes, Ann and Susan K. Miller-Cochran. Pocket Keys for Writers. 6th ed., Cengage Learning, 2018.
MindTap. Cengage Learning.

Smith, Trixie G., Allison D. Smith, and Holly Hamby. Building Bridges through Writing (Customized for East Carolina University). TX: Fountainhead Press, 2018. 9781680366990.

15 February 2018

Once again we are reminded that our safety on a school campus is not guaranteed. Please be familiar with ECU’s many resources to help you and your students feel more prepared: RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.

10 November 2017

Spring 2018 Planning

MWF Class Days in Spring 2018
TR Class Days in Spring 2018

ENGL 1100 Syllabus with new required format for Course Goals
ENGL 2201 Syllabus with new required format for Course Goals

02 November 2017

Please encourage your students to submit projects for consideration of publication in Pirate Papers (both 1100 and 2201).  Also, please nominate or encourage students to submit projects demonstrating good use of library resources for the Keats Sparrow Awards.

Pirate Papers Submission Form
Keats Sparrow Awards (Information and Application Form)

18 August 2017

Writing Foundations Program Meeting, 18 Aug, 3pm in Bate 1026: Agenda 

Library Resources for Writing Foundations (handout from David Hisle)

16 August 2017

The Writing Foundations Program at East Carolina University aims to enable students to engage in productive deliberations over civic issues by fostering civil dialogue. We condemn hate speech, including ideological expressions that privilege one race over another. Let us be brave in the face of differing viewpoints; let us be resolved in the condemnation of hate speech.

Resources for Teaching in These Times

There is No Apolitical Classroom (NCTE): This blog post has multiple links to resources including the Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League, The Charlottesville Syllabus, etc.

Chancellor Staton on Charlottesville: Video (with captions) of Chancellor Staton’s response to events in Charlottesville, VA.

ECUnited: Video (with captions) by #ECUnited challenging our community.

How do I Help Students Engage Productively in Active Learning Classrooms?” by Stephanie Chasteen, University of Colorado Boulder

Contacts for Fall 2017

Tracy Ann Morse, Director of Writing Foundations
Phone: 252-737-2040
Office: Bate 2210
Office Hours: T 9:30–10:30am; 12:30–2:30pm, R 12:30–2:30 and by appointment

Maranda Faison, Staff Assistant to Writing Foundations
Phone: 252-328-6380
Office: Bate 2209

Abby Morris, Graduate Assistant Director of Writing Foundations
Office: Bate 2005
Office Hours: M 1–3pm; W 11am–12pm, 1–2pm; R 10:30am–2pm; & F 11am–12pm

Fall 2017: GTA Orientation Dates and Times

New GTA Orientation in Bate 2017
  • If you are not a current GTA, you will need to attend an Orientation prior to teaching. So you can plan your travels accordingly:
    Thursday, August 10, 9am-4pm: Bring drafts of syllabus, weeks 1-4
    Friday, August 11, 9am-4pm: Bring draft of Project 1, writing sample prompt
    Monday, August 14, 9am-4pm
    Tuesday, August 15, 9am-12pm
Returning GTAs Orientation in Bate 2017
  • If you are a returning GTA, you will need to attend an Orientation/Workshop prior to teaching. So you can plan your travels accordingly:
    Monday, August 14, 11:30am-4pm: Bring drafts of syllabus, weeks 1-4, Proj. 1, sample/diagnostic essay prompt
    Tuesday, August 15, 9am-12pm
Fall GTA Meetings

Every Thursday, 9:30-10:30am, Bate 2005

Planning for Fall 2017

Fall Daily Schedules (blank for planning)

MWF Daily Schedule F17
TR Daily Schedule F17

Textbooks for 2017-2018

There is a new 3rd edition of The Little Seagull Handbook and a new Pirate Read. Please contact Ms. Maranda Faison ( if you need a copy.

ENGL 1100
Bullock, Richard, Michal Brody, and Francine Weinberg. The Little Seagull Handbook. 3rd ed., Norton, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-393-60263-0.
Desmond, Matthew. Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City. Broadway Books, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-553-44745-3.
Graff, Gerald and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say/I Say:The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing. 3rd ed., Norton, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-393-93584-4.
Pirate Papers for ENGL 1100. 7th ed., 2016. ISBN: 978-1-453-40135-4.

ENGL 2201
Bullock, Richard, Michal Brody, and Francine Weinberg. The Little Seagull Handbook. 3rd ed., Norton, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-393-60263-0.
Smith, Trixie G., Allison D. Smith, and Holly Hamby. Building Bridges through Writing (Customized for East Carolina University). Fountainhead Press, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-68036-166-7.

W. Keats Sparrow Writing Award

Writing must be from an ECU English 1100 or 2201 class during the Summer 2016, Fall 2016, or Spring 2017 and demonstrate use of library research. Use form below to submit.

2016-2017 W. Keats Sparrow Writing Award Submission Guidelines

CWPA Statement on Supporting a Diverse and Inclusive Environment from Nov. 22, 2016

The Council of Writing Program Administrators is committed to ensuring a diverse, inclusive, and supportive environment in which WPAs, the instructors in the programs they direct, and the students in those programs can continue to thrive and learn. Consequently, we are committed to explicitly acting against any programs, policies, or other structures in society and schools that produce inequality, division, exclusion, or unfair advantage to any one group by luck of birth. . . . read more.

Writing Award Submission Forms for 2016-2017

Pirate Papers for ENGL 1100
Must be submitted by student (not instructor).

Pirate Papers for ENGL 2201
Must be submitted by student (not instructor).

Keats Sparrow Award
May be nominated by instructor.

Contacts for Spring 2017

Tracy Ann Morse, Director of Composition/Writing Foundations
Phone: 252-737-2040
Office: Bate 2210
Office Hours: T 9:30–10:30am; 12:30–2:30pm, R 12:30–2:30 and by appointment

Andrew Riggs, Staff Assistant to Writing Foundations
Phone: 252-737-1092
Office: Bate 2214

Janine Butler, Graduate Assistant Director of Composition/Writing Foundations
Office: Bate 2025
Office Hours: T 1–4pm, W 10am–1pm, Th 10:30–12:30, & F 10am–12pm

19 August 2016

Composition/Writing Foundations Program meeting in Bate 1026 at 3pm today.
Preliminary Assessment Data for ENGL 2201

Keats Sparrow Awards August 24 at 5pm in Faulkner (Joyner Library)

5 July 2016

Soon summer will be over and Fall 2016 will begin. To help you prepare, please be sure to skim through the many resources on the Writing Foundations Instructor Blog. Please note that books and rubrics have changed for 2016-2018.

Some changes you need to be aware of: we have a new 7th edition of Pirate Papers for ENGL 1100 and a new Pirate Read, Just Mercy. We will be using a new customized edition of Building Bridges through Writing that includes samples of ECU student writing in ENGL 2201. Below is the information you need to order the correct editions and copies of books for ENGL 1100 and 2201:

ENGL 1100
Bullock, Richard, Michal Brody, and Francine Weinberg. The Little Seagull Handbook. 2nd
ed. NY: Norton, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-393-93580-6.
Graff, Gerald and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say/I Say:The Moves that Matter in Academic
. 3rd ed. NY: Norton, 2014. ISBN: 978-0-393-93584-4.
Pirate Papers for ENGL 1100. 7th ed. 2016. ISBN: 978-1-453-40195-8.
Stevenson, Bryan. Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. NY: Spiegel & Grau,
2015. ISBN: 978-0-8129-8496-5.

ENGL 2201
Bullock, Richard, Michal Brody, and Francine Weinberg. The Little Seagull Handbook. 2nd
ed. NY: Norton, 2014. Print. ISBN: 978-0-393-93580-6.
Smith, Trixie G., Allison D. Smith, and Holly Hamby. Building Bridges through Writing
(Customized for East Carolina University)
. TX: Fountainhead Press, 2016. Print. ISBN:

We will continue to do embedded/expert assessment for ENGL 1100 and 2201. All ENGL 1100 and 2201 sections will have two common assignments collected and assessed in Blackboard by the instructors: the Self-Analytical Writing and the Final Portfolio. Instructors will use common rubrics to assess these assignments in Blackboard by December 16, 4:30pm. We will have calibration sessions throughout the semester for both ENGL 1100 and 2201 as well as training on how to work with the assignments and rubrics in Blackboard.

We will no longer have students upload material to iWebfolio for ENGL 1100. However, we will continue to require students to upload material to their University Writing Portfolio for ENGL 1100 and 2201.

Dr. Tracy Ann Morse, Director of Composition | v. 737.2040

Andrew Riggs, Assistant to the Director of Composition | v. 737.1092

25 August 2014

Welcome to Fall 2014! Please use this information in the Blog to help you with preparing your class material. We will continue to add to the material here and my hope is that you will send me examples of assignments that work well for you.

In our meeting today, much information was shared. Here are a few links that may be relevant to you and your teaching:

Library Information
A complete list of available library tutorials:

Library 101: Introduction to Research libguide:

To place materials on reserve, please follow this link:

To request a research consultation:

To request library instruction:

To request the plagiarism module or to have a libguide embedded into your blackboard course:

To Reserve Bate 2007 (Computer Lab)
Email: Esmeralda Rodriguez at RODRIGUEZTEJEDAE14@ECU.EDU

Dr. Tracy Ann Morse, Director of Composition | v. 737. 2040

9 April 2014

Please remind students of the award opportunities related to the writing they do in ENGL 1100 and 1200. The Keats Sparrow Award entries are due May 9 to David Hisle ( We welcome submissions for Pirate Papers, while we will not have another edition of Pirate Papers for 1200, we are collecting entries for Pirate Papers 1100. The submission form is located in the back of Pirate Papers.

16 August 2013

Welcome back. I hope you are finding the blog useful. Please continue to help me build the material here by sending me exercises, assignments, readings, ideas that work. Our Composition Program Meeting will be Monday, August 19 at 3pm in Bate 1028.
Dr. Tracy Ann Morse, Director of Composition | v. 737. 2040

16 July 2013

Many of the Sample Assignments have been updated. Please explore the examples there and consider sending your own assignments to me to share on our secure blog.
–Dr. Tracy Ann Morse, Director of Composition | v. 737.2040

1 May 2013

The revised ENGL 1100 standard syllabus and weekly schedule (for weeks 1-4) are now posted. Over the summer, sample assignments and revised rubrics will be posted. Please keep checking back for updates.
–Dr. Tracy Ann Morse, Director of Composition | v. 737.2040

Don’t forget to share the QEP video with your students: .
Tell your students about the contests on the QEP’s Facebook page: .