The Ethnic & Rural Health Disparities (ERHD) Team consists of the Director Dr. Eric Bailey, Co-Director Dr. Justin Moore and selected faculty members from the Departments of Public Health and Anthropology at East Carolina University.

Biosketches of ERHD Team

Director Eric J. Bailey
Eric J. Bailey, Ph.D., M.P.H. is a medical anthropologist, professor, author and director of the ERHD Graduate Certificate Online Program at East Carolina University in the Departments of Public Health and Anthropology. At East Carolina University, Dr. Bailey teaches undergraduate courses in the Anthropology Department and graduate courses in the Department of Public Health. Currently, Dr. Bailey teaches courses such as Cultural Anthropology, Professional Development Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, African American Health, Global Public Health, and Ethnic Health & Health Disparities.

Before his arrival at East Carolina University, Dr. Bailey was a Program Director for the Masters of Public Health Program in Urban Public Health at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. Dr. Bailey developed and organized the new Masters of Public Health Program in Urban Public Health at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science.

Before his arrival at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Dr. Bailey was Health Scientist Administrator/Program Director at the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIH). He administered, organized and coordinated the major Minority-Serving Institution Annual and Performance Reports to the White House for the Center. Before his arrival at the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities, Dr. Bailey was a Program Director for the Comprehensive Minority Biomedical Branch at the National Cancer Institute, NIH.

Before his arrival at NIH, Dr. Bailey spent one year as a Senior Research Associate at the Arkansas Cancer Research Center (ACRC) of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He provided his expertise on several grant projects addressing the multicultural and multiethnic cancer outreach initiatives in the state of Arkansas.

Dr. Bailey was also an Associate (tenured) and Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University, Indianapolis for nine years and an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Houston for two years. Dr. Bailey received his doctorate in anthropology from Wayne State University (Detroit, MI) and masters in public health from Emory University. Dr. Bailey also received degrees (B.A. and M.A.) in anthropology from Miami University (Oxford, OH). In addition to Dr. Bailey’s experience in public health and as a medical anthropologist, Dr. Bailey completed post-doctoral work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where he worked in the Tuberculosis Division and the Associate Director’s Office for Minority Health (1993-1995).

Dr. Bailey has broad-based research experience in several chronic diseases including hypertension, diabetes, prenatal care, cancer, alternative medicine, HIV/AIDS and has published research findings in scholarly journals and lectured for the past 25 years on issues related to medical anthropology, multicultural and multiethnic health care utilization, alternative medicine, and community health and cross cultural health programs. Dr. Bailey’s forthcoming book (2010), “The Cultural Rights Movement: Fulfilling the Promise of Civil Rights for African Americans” takes an in-depth look at the Obama administration’s proposed initiatives as they relate to the African American community and a survey of civil rights issues that need to be reexamined in light of Obama’s election. Dr. Bailey’s previous book (2008),“Black America, Body Beautiful: How the African American Image is Changing Fashion, Fitness and other Industries.” (2008) His new book explains the major reasons why African Americans have a particular preference for certain body images, body types and standard of beauty as well as to show how much each of these areas have changed mainstream America’s preferred standards as it relates to body images, body types and beauty. Dr. Bailey’s fourth book (2006), “Food Choice and Obesity in Black America: Creating a New Cultural Diet” was a ground-breaking book which offered a new “cultural” diet for African Americans and a prescription for working collectively, not only to understand this critical health issue, but also established a lifestyle strategy that will be both effective and manageable. Dr. Bailey’s third book entitled, “African American Alternative Medicine: Using Alternative Medicine to Prevent and Control Chronic Diseases” (2002) rediscovered the unique preventing and healing qualities of African American alternative medicine. Dr. Bailey’s second book (2000 hardcover, 2002 paperback), “Medical Anthropology and African American Health” examined data on mortality, census, preventive health, alternative medical practices, clinical research, and intervention from a comprehensive perspective. His new approach emphasized culture and cultural relativism as they both related to African American health care issues. Similarly, Dr. Bailey’s first book entitled, “Urban African American Health Care” (1991) suggested that research on the relationship between cultural health beliefs and health seeking may assist in explaining the patterns of health care for some populations.

Dr. Bailey’s professional blog:

Co-Director Dr. Justin Moore
Justin B. Moore, Ph.D., is a behavioral scientist, assistant professor, research director, and co-director of the ERHD Graduate Certificate Online Program.

Dr. Moore is now an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina in the Department of Health Promotion, Education & Behavior. He continues to serve as Co-Director of the ERHD program.

Before Dr. Moore’s arrival at East Carolina University, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville and a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Pediatrics at the Medical College of Georgia.

Dr. Moore graduated with a doctorate degree in Health Education from the University of Texas, Austin, a masters of science degree from the University of Mississippi and a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from Texas A&M University. While attending the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Moore received a graduate student professional development award. In addtion while attending the University of Mississippi, Dr. Moore received a minority graduate fellowship.

Dr. Moore has published a very wide selection of scholarly journal articles ranging from topics such as overweight rural elementary school children to transtheoretical case based management intervention for obese African American children.

Dr. Moore is also the receipient of several grants including the very prestigious K01 grant from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

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