Goodbye Windows 10… Hello Windows 11

Microsoft recently launched its next client operating system, Windows 11. Please continue to use the current university-supported operating system, Windows 10, until ITCS is able to complete a full assessment of Windows 11. In the coming months, ITCS will ensure that Windows 11 meets university standards for security and application capability, and make certain this … Read more

Spring into Teams

Staying connected virtually will still be needed this spring. Microsoft Teams is a great way to stay connected synchronously and asynchronously.  Recently there were a series of webinars conducted by Jennifer Jury a Microsoft Learning Consultant.  The recordings are about an hour long and also offer files etc for referral.  You can Start with Teaching … Read more

PowerPoint, Forms and Quizzing

One of our colleagues brought this neat feature to my attention and I was her “test subject”.  With Microsoft 365 you can create a form (quiz) within your PowerPoint, students can download and click on the “quiz”, answer the questions and submit to you.  See the link below for instructions and contact this office if … Read more

It’s certainly going to take Teamwork!

As we make plans to return to classrooms I have been asked about Mediasite Live Recordings and students viewing synchronously how might they best ask questions without having to run a simultaneous webconferencing session. The Teams app will be available in the general classrooms, open Teams either on the classroom computer, a separate computer or … Read more

Wunderlist???? now To Do!

Apparently at some point in the past 15 years someone asked about the app Wunderlist.  I researched and joined and now have gotten the message it is retiring to be replaced my Microsoft To Do.  So while researching this app, available by clicking the App Launcher from my Office 365 I checked it out. So … Read more

10 version 1809 is coming

In case you missed this notice ITCS will release Windows 10, version 1809, for campus Windows 10 desktop and laptop computers.  Some features it includes are Adjust text size, Clipboard history and dark mode for File Explorer.  Still using Windows 7, maybe it is time to upgrade! Want some Windows 10 tips click here.

Happy 4th of July!

Mid week break but some may make it a long weekend. The migration to Outlook 365 and Office 365 gives you access to your One Drive for storing files and content relevant to your courses.  Tutorial on syncing files on your OneDrive. OneDrive for Business cloud storage is available through your Office 365 subscription and … Read more

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