End of semester Tech Humor

With the end of summer session I will take a break from posting tips and tools, since many may get tired of my posting about new tools etc.  But if you really want one check out this webinar Pro Tips for Flipped Classroom Content Creation. Here’s one for me!

Do you know Lynda?

Lynda.com that is. ECU students, staff and faculty now have access to lynda.com, an online library of instructional videos teaching the latest software tools and skills. Taught by accomplished instructors and recognized industry experts, lynda.com is a high-quality resource for students and faculty. To learn more, watch Welcome to lynda.com (01:14) How to use lynda.com … Read more

No needles needed for this thread!

Voice Thread is one of the newer tools available for faculty to use.  It was piloted Fall and Spring semester and now will be available campus-wide!  VoiceThread is a web-based platform available through Blackboard, which allows instructors and students to upload slides, images, video, or documents, record audio, video, or text comments, and then invite others … Read more

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