Picture Perfect!

Need to have students upload there image to a homepage?  Do they upload an enormous picture?  Send them to this site  Picnik which lets them upload a photo, specify the dimensions they want and then download the resized image.  Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Mediasite not just a YouTube Video!

Many of you have been using Mediasite recordings as a way to deliver your online courses, but some of you may not realize its full potential beyond distance learning. “Turn classroom lectures into instant online courses. Mediasite records your instruction and webcasts it live, automatically. Learners can watch it in real-time, later on-demand or listen … Read more

Who’s watching what?

You have been making recordings of your lecture using Mediasite.  But are they watching, listening?  If they are how long?  Mediasite 5 now can generate reports which will generate that information and more.  Whether it be a specific presentation or a specific user we can quickly and easily compile a report for you with your … Read more

RSS Feeds

From Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS “RSS (most commonly translated as “Really Simple Syndication” but sometimes “Rich Site Summary”) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.” You can subscribe to this blog’s RSS by clicking the link on the bottom right.  … Read more

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