Just a little tip . . .

You have moved up in the technological world and now have two monitors.  So now you want to compare two word documents, two powerpoint presentations or two excel files but they still open in the same window.  In order to have multiple windows open of an application you must open the application the long route … Read more

PowerPoint through History

Do your students’ eyes glaze over during your PowerPoint presentation?  Are you the executioner in a “Death by PowerPower” scene?  Even if your answers to these questions are “No,” check out this slideshow on  Do’s and Don’ts for PowerPoint presentations.  There are some other interesting videos on this site, too.

is that all there is? Not just for recording lectures . . .

Mediasite recorders and recording software are great tools for lecture capturing for delivering to Distance Ed students as well as lecture review for Face to Face students.  But is that all there is? With the addition of two portable recorders the College of Allied Health Sciences has 12 recorders, 10 in classrooms and 2 portables … Read more

It’s a bird . . . .

I have been in Blackboard 9 training for the past day and a half and since there is plenty of BB9 information available right now I decided to make this week’s blog a bit lighthearted and share something I came upon in my Google reader.  Just a little distraction as we near the end of … Read more

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