What’s that on the screen?

That’s screencasting I am talking about, using the computer screen and your voice to create information specific to your topic. Click here for more on using this tool.  If you are not quite ready to try screencasting perhaps you might want to experiment with using 3D Digital Characters in your lectures click here to find … Read more

Collaboration is the buzz word

Another interesting article from E-Campus titled How ‘collaborative learning’ is transforming higher education.  Here are ECU there are a number of tools you can use such as Yammer, Mediasite Lecture Capture, Tegrity Lecture Capture, Centra, Collaborate (still looking for instructors to participate in Spring Pilot), Second Life, Videoconferencing and Lync to name a few.  Perhaps … Read more

Let’s Play

Gaming in higher education!  Click here for an interesting article.  Are you currently using any simulation programs?  Would you like to explore some?  Contact OET and we can”play”!

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