Legal Facts!

In an educational institution, we make extensive use of the Fair Use Doctrine of the U.S. Copyright Law to allow us to use excerpts of copyrighted material for educational purposes and the courts have upheld this as Fair Use.  However, the Fair Use Doctrine ( clearly limits us to “…reproduction by a teacher or student … Read more


Academic Outreach is publishing a series on “Teaching Through H1N1” showcasing strategies that faculty throughout campus may utitlize in the event of widespread infection on campus.  The series and conversations can be found here. The OET offered their suggestions for being prepared in our blog posting of September 2, 2009. Please review these suggestions and … Read more

Safety First!

So much email we often hit delete without even reviewing.  Weekly tips from ITCS on Security are ones to be reviewed.  As they have indicated

** OCTOBER is National Cyber Security Awareness Month **

Click on this link for information on phishing and vishing.

If you also are working from home as many of us do you might want to check out this site to make sure your home computer is also protected.

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Working with others?  Problems with attaching large files to emails.  Why not set up a Sharepoint site. SharePoint is a browser-based content management system that allows groups, such as a project team or class, to set up a centralized, password-protected Web space for document sharing, online meetings, event planning and more. Sites are initially limited … Read more

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