We have Answers!

Got a question about Blackboard, Office, ECU, Banner?   Check out ECU’s newest portal “Ask.ecu.edu”.  Click here to see what it looks like. The OET has also created a Blackboard site for CAHS in which you are enrolled.  Lots of information, tutorials and demos can also be found here.  Just login to Blackboard and click … Read more

And the audience says . . .

And the students say B is the correct answer. Audience response system software a/k/a “clickers” is available in all the classrooms in our college.  Turning Point is available on the classroom computers and for you to download in order to incorporate in your lectures.  Our department has 3 receivers and over 100 clickers that can … Read more

It’s Live, NOW!

Did you know that all Mediasite recordings are broadcast live?  Students who have access to the catalog for a course can click on the lecture link and view the presentation.  While viewing live students have the ability to click the “Ask a Question” icon and send their question directly to the instructor.  Mediasite will automatically … Read more

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