In-Video Interaction

Recent tweet from Mediasite – Tactics for adding value to your in-video interaction – Consider the learning outcomes – what are the student takeaways?  Students like points but not busy work. Chunk lectures 5 – 15 minutes long. Add questions on annotate at points where students need to focus. Do students need to prepare prior … Read more

Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor & Test Generator

LockDown Browser (a custom browser that locks down a computer during online exams) and Respondus Monitor (an automated proctoring system for non-proctored exam environments. Respondus Monitor is a software-based video proctoring service that can be used when students take a test in Blackboard or Canvas. Respondus Monitor tracks and records suspicious behavior such as using … Read more

PowerPoint, Forms and Quizzing

One of our colleagues brought this neat feature to my attention and I was her “test subject”.  With Microsoft 365 you can create a form (quiz) within your PowerPoint, students can download and click on the “quiz”, answer the questions and submit to you.  See the link below for instructions and contact this office if … Read more

It’s certainly going to take Teamwork!

As we make plans to return to classrooms I have been asked about Mediasite Live Recordings and students viewing synchronously how might they best ask questions without having to run a simultaneous webconferencing session. The Teams app will be available in the general classrooms, open Teams either on the classroom computer, a separate computer or … Read more

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